It isn’t uncommon for CPA Networks to include Pay Per Install (PPI) as part of their stable of offers If the end-user downloads and installs the software the affiliate/publisher earns a set fee. It’s also not unusual that the software is an adware application.
The video below shows what happened while on the Peerfly Offers site the other day looking at their Download and Install Offers. Google Safebrowsing blocked 70% of the software’s web sites listed as the top 10 download offers on Peerfly as malware or phishing.
It’s hard to imagine that Peerfly isn’t aware of the negative issues related to the types of software in their offerings.
There is the perspective of the Peerfly affiliate/publisher who may promote offers that are ultimately blocked if the user is using Chrome. In the bigger picture, these types of offers reflect poorly on affiliate marketing with affiliate links redirecting to web sites flagged as potentially engaging in illegal activities.
And we wonder why affiliate marketing has a less than favorable reputation by some.