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Friday Fun

June 13, 2008 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 11:41 am

It’s Friday and it’s the 13th. It seems like a good day to laugh a bit, so I thought I’d share a couple of videos sent to me via IM this morning. Enjoy.

A great commercial….

For all you twitter fans….Twitter Whore

Direct Marketing 101

June 5, 2008 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 10:32 am

It’s long but hysterical. A lesson in how NOT to upsell. :) Nothing like annoying the heck of the customer who has their credit card out.

Quite a liberal use of the world “free” as well. Goodness knows I’ve seen same type of thing on web sites.

SEO Genius

June 18, 2007 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 8:00 am

Yes, I am an SEO Genius! I say that with all immodesty. I was going through my site logs the other day and came across a new search phrase. I headed off to Google to check out just how well I was ranking with this phrase and found I held the number 1 SERP!

Clearly it is a reflection of my SEO capabilites and skills.`I’m now thinking about putting out an e-book on how to rank #1 in Google. I have the proof to back-up my qualifications to speak on such matters afterall.

Google Queen

Ok, what made me laugh really hard is that I actually got traffic from the above. Somehow I don’t think they found what they were really looking for on my site. I have to wonder what they thought Z*ngo might be. Maybe I need to put up some links for free c*ndoms on that page. ;)  

Incent CPA Offer Poster Boy

February 21, 2007 Filed under: Affiliate Marketing, Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 6:29 am

You’ve seen the marketing approach many call gratis marketing. Win a free iPod, gift card, plasma TV (or numerous other prizes) or earn cash simply by signing up for a certain number of offers. There are many companies out there that market merchants this way and usually more than one such offer available to affiliates on CPA Networks.

I came across this video the other day. I found a few videos on YouTube along these same lines, but this guy won the prize as Poster Boy for Incent Offers and explains some of the reasons debate rages around gratis/incent offers. He’s promoting a web site called FusionCash and explains why people should join and how they should participate. BTW, he’s an “affiliate” also and yes he did have a referrer link in the video description area. :) (more…)

Recruiting Faux Pas

February 20, 2007 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 8:00 am

I got an email the other day with the Subject “Follow Up”.

The contents of the email (in it’s entirety) were:

I am interested in promoting your affiliate program through ClickXchange.
Would you consider working with us?
Best Regards,
Amanda Warman
Business Development
tel: 714-861-4041 x.224 

First of all, I’ve never had any discussions at all with ClickXchange, so I’m not sure how this can be a follow up.

But most importantly, I don’t have an affiliate program. So I’d have to say, no. I’ll probably not consider working with ClickXchange to promote my nonexistent affiliate program. :)

When will people start to learn to at least research a little bit before they send an email? The only benefit from that email was to give me a giggle. And to wonder how effective their promotion would be if I did have one. ;)

Freeze That Commission

December 18, 2006 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 12:03 pm

I had to file this one under “Just for Laughs” because it sure made me giggle. There are times I absolutely LOVE this Industry and this is one of those times. offers “free” screensavers which come bundled with a multitude of adware applications. They have a pretty active affiliate program (thanks Freeze affiliates for spreading the problem!). They also own several other web properties, one of these being, which has affiliate traffic redirected to it. (more…)

Targeted Advertising?

September 15, 2006 Filed under: Just For Laughs — Kellie AFP @ 8:00 am

I was on Revenue web site yesterday, and noticed their targeted advertising. Notice the two banners and the blog title in the upper right hand corner. Now where did I leave my Chips Ahoy?

Click to enlarge