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When Your Network Is An Affiliate And Adware Company

August 6, 2007 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights, Affiliate Marketing — Kellie AFP @ 11:01 am

It seems that companies like to wear many different hats these days in affiliate marketing. They are an affiliate network, an affiliate, a SEO company, an OPM company, etc. Sometimes, this situation can lead to a complimentary of services available through one company. It also opens the door to potential conflicts of interest. Of course not all companies will exploit those conflicts of interest. But there will also be those companies who are more than willing to take advantage for their own financial gain. When companies exploit conflicts of interest for their own financial gain, the picture can become quite ugly. Case in point….. (more…)

Affiliates Win a Year Membership to AFP Testing Service

October 27, 2006 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights, Affiliate Marketing — Kellie AFP @ 1:46 pm

We have one year membership for an affiliate to the AffiliateFairPlay Affiliate Marketing Testing Service (go ahead and click that link if you are unsure what the Service is about, it’s not there just for SEO purposes) up for grabs. RhinoFish Media, one smart guy on all things affiliate marketing and pay-per-click search, has generously sponsored a full year membership for an affiliate.

So how can you win a one year membership? First is the obvious; you have to be an affiliate. Sometimes you have to say the obvious just to be sure. :) If you are an affiliate, the rest is easy. Just let us know you’d like a chance to win by commenting in this thread.

On Monday Nov. 13th, we will randomly select a winner. The winner will be posted here as well as contacted by the email address provided when they comment. So be sure to use an email addy you at least check periodically. ;) And we promise to only use it to contact the winner.

So comment away. Maybe you will be the lucky one to have Rhinofish pay for your one year affiliate subscription to our Service. Don’t be shy……..

Attention Merchants: Affiliate Fraud Alert

October 20, 2006 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights, Affiliate Marketing — Kellie AFP @ 11:23 am

Warning: The following post is blunt and to the point. To anyone who may take offense to any of its contents, you’ll just have to take offense.

I’m not much on creating a public stir by airing this Industry’s dirty laundry just for the sake of the stir. I’d much prefer to see actions being taken quietly behind the scenes to clean up things that shouldn’t be happening. But sometimes things need some stirring and this is one of those times.


Affiliate Fraud Detection Tips 1, 2 and 3

October 14, 2006 Filed under: AFP Testing Hilights — Kellie AFP @ 2:27 pm

AFP Testing Hilights contain basic, less detailed information from the Affiliate Marketing Testing Service. All content is original and supporting documentation is on file.

I thought I’d pass a couple of basic tips for detecting affiliate fraud to Affiliate Managers. We all know how hard it can be to monitor and police affiliate activities in your program. Here’s a couple of basic tips to help you catch those affiliates who may well be up to no good in your program. No high tech skills required.


How Much Money Would It Take For You To Trash Someone’s Computer?

October 2, 2006 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights — Kellie AFP @ 7:39 am

AFP Testing Hilights contain basic, less detailed information from the Affiliate Marketing Testing Service. All content is original and supporting documentation is on file.

Hopefully most would answer, “There’s not enough money in the world!” In reality, there are people out there who will do just that for thirty cents. Yes, you heard me right. They will most likely ruin someone’s computer for a mere thirty cents. If you happen to live outside of the US, then they will do it for as little as two cents. Step into the world of DollarRevenue……………

(more…) Affiliate Marketing Testing Service Launched

September 14, 2006 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights, Affiliate Marketing — Kellie AFP @ 9:13 am

AFP has officially launched its Affiliate Marketing Testing Service. We have been in beta testing for a while and are excited about the official launch. We already have plans for improvements and additional features for the Service. But such is the nature of Affiliate Marketing….always expanding and changing.

Full details of our new Service can be found here


FatWallet Now! Testing Summary

August 26, 2006 Filed under: AFP Testing Hilights, Affiliate Marketing — Kellie AFP @ 11:35 am

A couple of days ago, I started receiving some emails asking about a new install put out by Tim Storm of FatWallet. It seems Tim had just released the FatWallet Now! Bookmark as beta on his site and some were curious as to what this actually installed, how it behaved and when the FatWallet affiliate tracking code would be set. Since Tim has a large loyal following on his site, I can see why some would be interested in how the bookmark behaved, especially fellow coupon affiliates. I have installed his new product and performed some quick testing. (more…)

Firefox No Protection From WhenU

July 15, 2006 Filed under: Adware, AFP Testing Hilights — Kellie AFP @ 4:11 am

In the ongoing battle for protection against adware applications, there have been many people who recommended using Firefox browser instead of InternetExplorer. Indeed, many adware applications have not been compatible with Firefox and end users have been saved from annoying pop ups. Many affiliates have also recommended Firefox to their visitors providing a link to the browser on their sites in an effort to protect their revenue. I have always contended that folks should not become too comfortable with using Firefox to combat adware. It wasn’t so much that adware could not work with Firefox, but rather there probably wasn’t enough users utilizing Firefox yet to make it worth the effort by adware companies to program their software Firefox compatible. Any software can be exploited if someone really wants to put the effort into it. (more…)